
The Carrizo/Comecrudo welcomes you to our web site the productive efforts of members who are proud to be part of and be connected to the Aboriginal Tradition of Texas. We are people who come from all walks of life who adhere to the betterment and welfare of our Carrizo/Comecrudo People and maintaining our connections as relatives through our ceremony, traditions, and language.

Carrizo/Comecrudo is not just a Tribe and/or Nation it is a way of living. It is the Dream of the Ancestors to survive, and give life to their future Generations in spite of downfalls that have haunted every aboriginal people in the Western Hemisphere. So with criteria being set by our ancestors and elders we as the Comecrudo tribe of Texas, we present ourselves in the cyber world and to the World in general,

  • to our own recognition
  • to the greater good and welfare of Carrizo/Comecrudo
  • to maintain and preserve our language, culture, and traditions
  • to the developing of strong financial foundation for our members in so doing
  • to identify our relatives, lands, and our ancestors
  • to the re-interment of our ancestors, those in museums to be returned for re-interment including artifacts that are pertinent to the Aboriginal people of Texas
  • to developing a Texas Indian Network that will be an advocate to all Texas Tribe
  • to work at the education and re-education of Texas Historical events like the Republic of Rio Grande
  • to bring a better understanding of our connectedness to the natural order that we are a part of

We the Carrizo/Comecrudo will always try to connect the past to the future by living in the present. Our desire to be advocates of Peace and Harmony among our own people as well as other Nations has been one of our greatest traits as we traversed through Texas and beyond.

Payase’l Ayema. Nana Pele’x , Nawaso’l ment